Thursday, August 29, 2013

The woes and joys of caring so dang much....

So I'm really glad to be on the faith and food journey, but sometimes I wish I didn't care. I'm glad I'm a passionate person and care about the pursuit of knowledge and justice, but sometimes I feel it would be easier to not care about what I ate, my health, or the state of the environment and bio-diversity. I am trying to figure out how to live out my convictions, but be balanced and have my priorities straight.  So yes it would be easier not to care, but it's not me and that's ok. Today I really wanted to get this flat iron chicken panini from the Farms and Fields station at Owens, but I asked the lady about the chicken and she said it wasn't local nor "small-scale/ family farmed," but was hormone free... so I didn't eat it. For me, my new vegetarian diet or pescatarian (I did eat some shrimp at Mexican the other night, whoops!)/ locavore diet is a daily walk and personal conviction. And I am a college student who is on a budget and quite busy, so I must live inside my means. It's been a cool journey so far because I feel that I am more so living out what I am learning about in my major and am "preaching" to my friends and family:) And everyone has been so supportive of me, which I am so grateful for. So no answers here or formula for sustainable living and eco-conscious life, but just a girl on a journey.

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