Tuesday, June 25, 2013

You May Want to Unsubscribe...but not really...

So this past weekend the United Methodist Church held a conference at the Hampton Convention Center. I was asked to work a Shalom Farms table at the conference for a little Friday and Saturday. You know what that meant... I went home! Although I was not super stoked about driving through the dreaded tunnel six times in one weekend and standing at a table for 2 hours at prime tanning time Friday and Saturday, I was however very excited to go to dinner with Granga, see Katie and Dan, hang out with Nate and Meg, and take Bee out to lunch for her birthday!! Overall, a very good weekend... way to much driving though. Anyways, so this weekend I saw my sister's cat and I thought to myself 'duhhhhh, why have I not thought of this.. I should foster a kitten from the Richmond SPCA to have some life and company in the cabin.' Well I did all the research and even signed up for the required foster parent training session. Then I got back to Goochland, and as often happens in life my plans changed drastically. Long story short: I had the opportunity to move into the apartment above the vistor center (which is very close to the cabin) with a new West View staff member (Claire- a super sweet girl who graduated from Liberty a year ago) and I so I was all over that. Apparently the fall farm intern lived here in the fall, but I guess cause it's summer and busy it just wasn't thought of before. The only downfalls: Can't walk around naked anymore, can't sing loudly whenever I want, and I can't foster a kitten because Claire is very allergic. 

So look. Before you all go thinking I'm a fraud and I gave up... Don't. I enjoyed the cabin, and am grateful for the experience that it was. BUT I came to Goochland to learn to farm. The cabin situation was something I was willing to deal with, but not something I feel is essential to my learning process. I now have a kitchen, and wifi, and am living with another human being! Oh and instead of walking 50 feet to a nasty, hot, spider-filled bathroom I walk two steps to a good bathroom. Convenience Convenience. It's the world we live in, what can I say... I want it too haha. I am pretty sure I am going to camp out this Friday though. We shall see. So lots has been going on this week: hot days farming, leading camp tours, going to the James River, taking a run/ adventuring around Sunday evening, market stands in the city, capture the flag with campers, you know... the usual:) BUT my main update is I moved places haha. So I will try and post pics of my new pad, although I really gotta post some farm pics first haha. 
TaTa for now,
Kels ... in an apartment... hmm.. we'll work on that!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited you got to move! I know that will be nice to have a bathroom that you don't have to walk outside to get too. Bummer on the fostering a kitty thing though. I can always bring Blue if you get bored : ) July 12th and 13th I am all yours. Sooooo glad I won't have to use that other bathroom. Love ya sista sista
