Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mid Week Update

     So Saturday was my last post and I honestly don't remember what I said.. If I didn't mention in my Saturday post, on Sunday I got to see my Grandma Gracie and Papa John. They hit some traffic and had to make it back to Lynchburg by a certain time so our visit was short but so good:) They got to see the farm and my cabin... and take some fresh produce! I received an awesome care-package from them: lots of fun food noms. Sunday afternoon was a little hard because seeing GG & PJ made me miss the fam a little and not being home when everyone else was for Father's day was kind of a bummer. Plus Sunday afternoons can just be hard sometimes. Anyways, I recovered from my slump and then Sunday evening I had dinner with the counselors  and CAMPERS!! Yay! The campers arrived for week 1 of camp and I loved the energy and movement they brought to the camp. Sunday night after dinner I went with the 7-11 year olds to the pool for swim tests and just got to tread water with all the different groups. We then headed to the shelter for a fruit snack and then some worship. I was adopted by Hogan 1 (which is a cabin group of 7-11 year old girls). I hung with these two sweet campers: Grace and Kate.  I now each lunch and dinner with them every day:)
     Monday: harvest. harvest. harvest. All morning, that is what I did. Thank goodness I had my muck boots because it was muddy! Then for the afternoon I went to the south side of Richmond for a farmer's market- it was pretty cool! The city intern, Love, and I did the market stand. Then Love and I went to Alamos BBQ for dinner, it was a hole in the wall kind of place BUT so good. 8-8 ... long day but a good day. 
     Tuesday: Tuesday was a rough morning because I couldn't sleep Monday night, but once I started my day it finally came around. I helped prepare the beds for tomatoes, but then a thunderstorm hit and we had to finish our day early at 2. I went home chilled (much needed me time), worked out, rinsed off, then met up with the camp folks for dinner. After dinner I went with Hogan 1 girls to play capture the flag- such a blast!! 
     Wednesday: Today I led my first group of campers! I think it went really well. I felt confident in what I was doing/ saying and I felt like the campers were super interested. Then a volunteer group from Virginia Beach came to help us as part of their missions trip- they were FC kids and we ended up making a bunch of connections. Small world moment. There were these three punk boys who were hilarious and I just couldn't stop laughing at them... us 757 kids are just too funny;) Today I also took some time to harvest rasberries, and currently I am at Mandy's (farm manager's wife) house because we made raspberry jam! Can't wait to eat some. And I'm snagging some wifi, you know how it is- take what you can get haha. Anyways, it is nearing my bedtime so I must be off
     TaTa for now,
Kels in a Cabin

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