Saturday, June 29, 2013

Work, A Farmer's Market, and a Visitor:)

So Wednesday was a pure farm day. It was hot hot hot and I filled my big water bottle up at least 8 times. I got to harvest and spray our melons with an organic fungicide and what else, oh yea harvest some more! Around 4:45 Wednesday a huge storm swept over Goochland, we rushed to close up the farm as the storm rolled in.. it was pretty epic. I felt like I was in a movie. So of course the power went out. The whole camp was supposed to be doing their own little cookout in groups spread out across the camp. Instead we all hung out in the half open shelter and all did cookouts... lets just say there was way more smoke than breathable air in that shelter area. The power was out for a while so we just hung out there, did s'mores, and played games (I was the judge for the awesome game of four square we had working). About 9:30 pm the power came back on, which was super quick and such a blessing.

Thursday I was on the farm 9:30-2, then off to the city. I got to drop 400 pounds of cucumbers off at the food bank and then headed to NRC (Neighborhood Resource Center)... where exactly I don't know haha. Anyways, I got to be a part of the student run market we do with the kids in the summer program through NRC. On Tuesday, Claire and Love had taught the kids the market curriculum and they learned about displays and all the positions (manager, cashier, bagger, advertiser, sales person). So on Thursday they got to experience and live out what they had just learned. It is a hard task for sure, but very awesome to be a small part of... and y'all all know how I love the kiddos so it made me happy to work with kids.

Friday I had three groups of campers in a row! I harvested for the Goochland Farmer's Market (which I had volunteered to work) from 8-9:30 and then I did tours 9:30, 10:30, and 11:30. I finished work at the farm around 3 Friday and then headed to the lake to join the mini campers (a group of young campers that comes wed-friday every week) for the WATER TRAMPOLINE!! It was my first time: so dang fun!! It has a swing, a blog, a slide, and a trampoline.

Today I did the Goochland Farmer's Market, which was a really cool experience. Quite different than the markets we support in the city. Rachel Roc drove here today!! She met me at the Farmer's Market and helped me till noon. We then headed home and fixed stir fry and rice with veggies from the farm- so yum! We had a super chill afternoon then got all dolled up to go to city (aka we put dresses and sandals on haha). I treated Rach to an early birthday dinner at a super tasty Mexican restaurant called Don't Turn Back Tacos, which was on Cary Street.. a really fun area of Richmond to walk around. We walked and adventured around the area for a while. We then headed to Bev's to get ice cream cause everyone says you gotta go there BUT they were randomly closed early:( so typical! But regardless, we had a blast in the city and enjoyed watching the end of the sunset as we drove back.

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