Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lobby Day!

TUESDAY: Politics, hmmm. What to say. Lobby day yesterday was such a great experience; I learned SO much and as fascinated as I am by food politics D.C. is not for me. I am always happy to try new experiences and see how I do. Bread for the World is a really cool organization and I was so happy to be a part of their lobby day. My favorite part was just becoming educated on the Farm Bill and debates going on between the Senate and House (and anyone who cares about the Farm Bill) about SNAP, International Food Aid, and Sequestration (these were three focuses of Bread for the World's lobby day). My group got to meet with staff from Senator Kaine's office, staff from Senator Warner's office, and staff from house representative Eric Cantor's office. I hadn't been to D.C. in forever so it was good to visit. I got to see the capital, go to a really neat coffee shop called FireHook, and get lots of free food haha. It was a LONG day though and Steve let me go in an hour late today. WEDNESDAY: Today was an all farm day, much more my style:) We harvested all morning for the Food Bank pick up. Then we seeded some carrots, and did a lot of hoeing. A great week so far! I got some good tan today, no burn thankfully. Oh and I am back having meals with the counselors and it is really fun getting to know them better, they seem to really want to make me a part of the camp which is super awesome! THURSDAY: This morning was really nice and I got to prepare a bed and seed it with carrots. I also harvested some squash and zucchini. Today we experienced a Derecho: strong winds and rain (sometimes hail) around 3pm. I hung at Steve and Mandy's house cause Mandy didn't want us staying at the farm since winds could potentially be really strong.

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