Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tractor Time!

Okay, so it's official: I'm totally a farmer y'all. I rolled around like a big shot today on our tractor. You may be able to scroll down to the pics of the farm and see the orange tractor in the bottom pic. Steve had promised me that when the land finally dried up some and he had a tractor job that he would teach me how to do it. Today was that day, and I was quite excited. So the tractor has a clutch, but it's SO easy... not as tricky as driving a stick-shift car or dirt bike (both of which I have done but feel are much harder to do). And I disced (spelling??) a plot of land: the first step in turning previously planted on soil into ready to replant soil. It is also the easiest job to do on the tractor, so I was very happy that that is what Steve started me on. It was hard to get the corners disced really well, but I did my best.. and it is one of those tasks you just can't be a hard core perfectionist about:/ But anyways.. so my last post was Saturday and I have some good stories since then!!

Saturday evening: Blair left around noon, and I headed home and fixed some lunch with farm fresh foods. Yum! I then went to the river (again), this time to read and ponder life. It was very nice to have that nature and quiet thinking time. I drove home and hung at the appt, catching up on emails and such. Then much later that evening (6:40pm ish) I decided to go back to the river. This time I ran. It was nice to run, I ran for about 40 minutes and then I was hot, thirsty, and done haha. I was almost home.. like 200 feet from the apartment... AND I WAS KIDNAPPED!!! For real!!! There were four counselors that happened to be working extra hours this weekend. They had just gotten off and were heading to the Goochland drive in movie theater. They slowed down. Yelled get in the car. Opened the door. And threw me in the car. Now given I know these four people semi well at this point, I guess it wasn't true kidnapping, but it felt like it. I mean they legit grabbed me off the road and I was gone haha. We went to the theater, but they were turning cars away.. it was full:( No Despicable Me 2 for us West View kids. So instead, we drove to Short Pump and played Laser Quest. We were the only 5 people in the arena and we were SO obnoxious and had a blast! I sweat a lot: my workout continued haha. Then we got ice cream from Sonic and headed back to camp. It was seriously so fun and spontaneous and I loved it! Later that night we got permission to take a night swim in the lake.. Also a blast. So a successful weekend: I'd say yes for sure! Especially because Sunday was so chill and I had time to recover from my crazy Friday and Saturday.

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