Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Sista Sista, Neva knew how much I missed ya!"

Friday I had work on the farm for the morning. I had two groups of campers that I lead tours for. You all know how I can get kind of crazy/ hyper sometimes. Well Friday morning was just an odd morning. It had been raining since 4am and the farm was very wet. Steve didn't end up coming in Friday morning. So I was there leading tours and I was just being weird haha. I let a counselor play baseball with a huge squash (that was to big to eat and had to be composted) and rotted tomatoes. I got splattered with tomato juice, but it was so fun! And I made the kids act like chickens if they wanted to enter the fence to see the chickens. It was really a great morning though haha. Then at one I had to be into the city for the monthly staff meeting. This meeting is an intentional time to get all employees and interns (both city and farm which is really important to unite the two entities) together. We just talked about what is working, what is not. Goals and ideas. You know, organizational stuff. Then around 2:45 we finished and I headed back to Goochland. Steve had to stick around the city to do phone interviews for the fall farm interns. Since I moved out of the cabin, they are trying to get the fall intern to come early to make the transition (since I leave early in August) easier. Plus the farm could always use more free labor haha. So anyways, I am SO stoked about it. I would love for another farm intern to be out here. Farm friends:) I may make up some type of silly/ fun initiation thing that I will convince them they have to do. If I decide to do it, it would be harmless and fun. Like, having to pick up a chicken or eat a whole cucumber in 1 minute or something like that. I probably won't do it, but it was an idea I had. Anyways, I will keep you posted about whether a new intern comes out soon. 

Re-united and it feels so good! Megan came to visit this weekend and it was such a good time. She got here late-ish Friday night. We caught up and then watched a movie. Saturday we slept in, fixed farm-fresh eggs for breakfast, and then headed to the river. We attempted to set up my camping hammock. It worked great for me... but then we tried to get Megan in there too.. and we dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. It was really funny though! Then we went to the lake, where we proceeded to get rained on. So we kind of gave up on doing camp/ outdoor stuff. Into the city! We went thrift store shopping and walked around Cary Town. We had Thai for dinner and it was so delicious. After harvesting this morning, Megan headed out around 11am to make sure to be back in Nofo by the time she needed to be. She made it home safe:) I this afternoon have run, done some laundry, eaten leftovers, and am just hanging out and getting little things done. Signing off for now.. sorry I was all over the place with this post!


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