Monday, July 22, 2013

Baby Chicks!!!!!! Yippeeee

Okay, so as I have mentioned in a previous post one of our hens has chosen to roost. Which just means she is laying on eggs. Now we didn't know if these eggs were all fertilized or if the hen was committed to laying and hadn't left them, but I was pretty confident we would have at least a few baby chicks. I was so excited because I knew the potential due date was soon so I was checking on the eggs like 3 times a day and every night haha. This morning I rolled up and right as I open my door Steve says, "Have you looked at the coupe lately?"  I literally ran full speed screaming toward the coupe... Opened it up and saw a BABY CHICK. It is black and soft and fuzzy and precious and I'M IN LOVE!! I want to take it home and raise it as my own! Anyways, the birth kind of made my week. Check out these precious pictures. So we do not know if it is a boy or girl yet, but either way I have some name ideas floating around my brain. And this afternoon another was born... I was at a market stand but Steve saw it break out of the shell. So exciting.