Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy Birthday Kate!

Yesterday was Kate's birthday. Kate is now 26; she is a part-time employee of Shalom Farms and works on the farm two full days a week. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. So I baked her a heart shaped cookie:) Tonight we had a little birthday dinner and some cake (at Steve and Mandy's) for Kate. It was SO YUMMY! And now I'm bummin off their wifi cause I don't have wifi at the apartment at night. Kate, Mandy, and I were making plans tonight to can salsa with the farm veggies. I was so excited, but then I had the realization that I will not be here for much longer. It stinks that as soon as you start feeling well adjusted and "at home" in a place you got go.. I guess that is somewhat the life of the college student. But anyways, I will definitely cherish my time left here and I know I will soon be excited to be back at Tech and doing school again. Today I got off at 4pm and of course, I went to the lake and swam around and did the water trampoline. So fun, but man I am tired. I think I'm gonna drive home soon and hit the hay.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it something that is felt so weird and kind of scary in June to see that place and now you feel so at home you hate to leave?
