Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Man, I have a lot of updates...

Friday I got to drive the tractor again. So we are preparing a field for a fall crops, here is what that process looks like. It is very extensive and takes time (so I have learned the process, but never seen a particular field the whole way through the process). You start by mowing down the old crop. Then you disk the field with the tractor (which I have done before). Then you plant a cover crop (like buck wheat, rye, clover, oats). The cover crop is not something for harvest but rather a legume. The purpose is to add nutrients to the soil. Legumes are nitrates which mean they take nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and fix it into the soil in forms that are accessible for other plants. So legumes are crucial. Then you mow down the cover crop and disk the field. Sometimes you plant a cover crop again... just depends. Then you can add compost and fertilizer and some natural elements (like Boron) to the top of the soil. Then it is time to till (which is what I did!). Next you use the tractor to prepare the beds. Then you can plow the walk ways, smooth the beds with a rake, use the tractor to pull biodegradable plastic over the bed along with drip tape (which is used for irrigation). Did all that make sense?... I hope so! Next you can make holes in the plastic, seed the crop (or transplant it if it was started in the green house, like our fall crops were). Pretty cool, eh?

This weekend I drove to Blacksburg to move out of my center street apartment. It was pretty sad leaving that empty apartment. I am sad leaving such good memories and fabulous roomies, but I am filled with excitement and joy for a new living area and new roomies- hopefully more good memories to come. Saturday I had a meeting for 180 (large group for InterVarsity) planning meeting. 10-4, yea baby. BUT I did appreciate the effort to plan ahead, which shows organization and should prove to lead to less stress.

Monday I cleaned my empty room and bathroom:( then headed back to Goochland. I got produce I had previously harvested and then immediately headed to Kate's house. Where we proceeded to make and can salsa.. I go there at 4:15... we took NO breaks... I left at 9:15 and we still hadn't finished. SO MUCH SALSA CANNING!!!!! But so worth it!

Tuesday (all West View camp staff, which apparently I am considered!!) got to ride Pete (the camp directors) hot air ballon. Yes, you read me right! Peter causally owns his own hot air ballon. SO COOL! I loved going up, such a fun experience.

1 comment:

  1. UUUhhhhh......Kels you do not have permission to be going up in an air balloon. Wasn't that discussed upfront? I bet it was fun.
