Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hot Hot Hot

Alrighty, so Steve is out of town today through Thursday.. which means I am in charge... just kidding.. but wouldn't that be amazing! Today was real hot, I was sweaty sweaty! The food bank came today and we sent them about 2,000 pounds of produce- it was insane. I had 3 groups from camp today, and although they were hot- most kids were pretty happy. Bernese (our chicken who is trying to nest) keeps being pushing around in her coupe. If the eggs are fertilized and we are gonna have chicks, they would be so close to hatching! So Kate and I put up a wire encasement to keep Bernese separate and safe. We give her food and water so she never has to move. So hopefully within the next few days, I will see some baby chicks!! Tonight the camp had a talent show and Gomez had me pretend to be hypnotized as part of his act. I had to act like a chicken and do a kart wheel and other silly stuff. It was really fun and the kids seemed to think it was funny. That's all for now:)

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