Thursday, May 15, 2014

See You Later Alligators:)

Coming to college is an extremely scary thing. You leave the friends and family that have surrounded you your whole life, you leave what is familiar and comfortable. You then come to a place where you are forced to start new. To make new friends, to discover a new area, and to further discover who you are as an individual. I have had such an amazing experience doing that. The family I found at Tech and the community I gained has been such a blessing. I am so lucky to say that all 3 years I have had different but really awesome living situations. I want to take time to reflect on my Blacksburg family, especially the three gals I lived with this past year. 

FRESHMAN YEAR: Jennie Senter was my freshman roommate:) We could not be more polar opposites, but we work so well together. She is short and blonde. I am tall and a brunette. She is an engineer, I am a tree hugger. She is a night owl, I am a morning person. I like reading, she hates it so much. I adore kids, I want to work with them as my career, Jennifer wants to never ever ever have children. She is a fashionista, hair and makeup expert, girly girl; I am a well, um, I have my own unique style largely consisting of athletic clothes. What do we have in common? We both love Jesus, we love each other, and we love to dance, play games, and make life an adventure. I lived in Lee Hall with this beautiful and sweet girl, who slowly became one of my favorite people. She embraces me and I feel so authentic around her. I cherish the memories from Room 525, as well as 401 Berryfield. Jennie, I love you and will miss you greatly.
 Sophomore year I didn't live with any of these gals haha. Jennie wanted to stay on campus, as did Sara and Katie. Kristen Huenerberg asked me to live in her apartment which I was stoked on. And sophomore year was incredible- those girls were such blessings. Anyways, back to this years roommates. 

Freshman year: Jennie and I put real clothes on for once:)
Hiking the Cascades Sophomore year! We are always down to be outside together:)

Year 3 as friends, re-united as roommates, and turning 21 together in the same month!
JUNIOR YEAR: Katie Bizassa, Jennie Senter, Sara Tinsely, and Kelsey Riggs moved on in to Berryfield. 
Katie had a cow show! Gotta support
 my animal lovin roomie
Let me talk about Katie B!! "SHE'S SO COOL" She joined the same small group I was in freshman year, and I have loved getting to know her over the past three years. She met Jesus in college and being able to watch that process and get to know her through that major life change has been incredibly wonderful. Katie and I were in small group together for two years (now we both lead our own), we are on the Frisbee team together, and this year we live together:) It has been such a joy getting to know this chick. We definitely connected freshman year, and our friendship was easy. Neither of us had to try to hard, it just flowed. Katie is smart, funny, selfless, thoughtful, wonderfully weird, and down to do anything anytime. Katie and I have literally done everything together: road trips, frisbee tourneys, IV dances, work out, eat, hit up that quiet floor library for hours, grocery shopped, done a mud run, supported each others hobbies, met each others families in our home towns, night time walks, hiking. You name it, we've done it. I feel so blessed to have know this chica for 3 years and look forward to seeing where life takes us.
Mud Run Sophomore year: we crushed it.

Champagne Shindig: a super fun frisbee party. 

My newest friend of these gals, but equally as special and important to me. 
Sara Tinsley. The newest friend of these gals, but equally as special and important to me. It blows my mind to think that a year ago I barely knew Sara, and now I would consider her one of my favorite people at Tech and such a dear friend. We got super lucky and both semesters this year have had very similar class schedules which meant we got to be home together a lot:) Sara and I have very complimentary personality types and being together is easy. We communicate super well, which is really important to me. I love spending time with her, what can I say. Sara is reserved, calm, funny, organized, caring, honest, loving, and really sweet. I will miss her tons next year cause we kinda did like everything together but ya know, whatcha gonna do. Special memories for sure:)

The rest of these pics are just random, fun ones I found of us:) I tried to organize them, but technology beat me. Typical. So yea.
Homeplace! Noms on noms on nomsssss
IV Fall Ball! We danced the night away:)
Easter with Sara's family in Huntersville, NC

Nature walk:) MY FAV!!

NYC baby! Roomie road trip over Christmas break. We sure did miss Jennie though:/

Valentines Day. Indian for dinner and then a movie:)

Frisbee Tourney in Boone. She's a wolf... I'm a giraffe.. it's hard to be this cool. 
Nature Walk in Lynchburg. Fall break 2013. 

Grannie and Pepper (Kristen was salt!). IV Halloween Party sophomore year. 


  1. This is beautiful and so very thoughtful, Kels. I feel like I know your roommates after reading your post. The depth of your relationships is awesome and clearly a foundation for the community you're continuing to build beyond college.

  2. I know I'm late to the game but this post made me SO happy! You girls are gems, that's for sure. Love you!
