Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First Day of Classes

Monday's breakfast. Ordering... the struggle was so real

Mercado Central- I was in love of course

Fresh food, good prices.
Ponte Vecchio is behind me, it is a very famous bridge in Firenze

This is the only pic from today, I took if after class when I was doing some adventuring on my own. 
 Today was my first day of classes. I am in beginners Italian from 9-11:30 and The Florence Food and Culture experience from 12-2:30. I have to book it from class to class. My apartment to class is 20 minutes and class to class is 20-30 minutes if walking briskly! Here's hoping all that walking burns off all the croissants and gelato! My Italian class was good, but a lot to take in haha. My professor is a male and he is quite animated. Lots of over-exaggerated pronunciations and he kinda yells at us/conducts us with his arms when we recite stuff. It's great. My second class was epic. My professor is an environmental engineer! And in the summer teaches the food courses. She is incredible. She was asking about who knew about the slow food movement and activist Vanashiva- I DID!! I was the only person, I got automatic brownie points:) I'm such a nerd. Anyways, that class should be really interesting. We learn about food, culture, and we have lab every few days to cook!! We get a real chef apron and everything. Today when walking alone at a fairly touristy spot, I finally got approached by a street vendor. He gave me a bracelet and wanted me to buy it... I was not havin that so I said. Sorry dude, I don't want the bracelet and I'm not paying for it, here it is and good luck. I try not to be mean ever, but I also try and be assertive/clear. Florence is a hoppin city and that kind of stuff will happen often so you just have to handle it correctly. Anyways, it has been an adventure so far. I have already learned some Italian and have begun to feel like I understand the streets/directions of the city. My roomies and I are gonna run to the store to get toilet paper, and other essentials and then get Aperitivos (which is like an appetizer buffet thing/happy hour). Anyways, it is really fun and a great deal! Miss you all back home lots, but starting to feel more adjusted here already which is a huge blessing. I know it will just get easier/more comfortable. Just like my summer in Nicaragua and just like my summer in Goochland.

1 comment:

  1. Kels we miss you too!! But are completely satisfied in the knowledge that you are there safe and having a ball. Mom and I are SO happy for you and incredibly proud. We loved reading all of the posts. Love you!!
