Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just Another Terrific Tuesday

No crazy adventures in the past few days, just some small ones:) Sunday we went to a new farmer's market called Mercato di Sant'Ambrogio. I got some yummy peppers, lettuce, strawberries, parmesan cheese, and apples. Then we went to a flea market on the street to check out the vendors, the goods, and the prices. We are going to go back to get stuff once we've thought about it a little more. Then for dinner we went to this vegetarian place, so dang cute and really great atmosphere (but overpriced in my opinion). I love hippie Italians:) Then we walked to Piazzale Michelangelo BUT it had just rained so we the clouds were covering the sunset. Good thing we still have 11 more weeks to walk there and watch the sunset!! Then we stopped at the "beach" on the Arno River for a drink. It was super small and cute. There were some trees with chinese lantern lights and hammocks. What else. Monday I went for a run. I like doing that here; it makes it feel like home for some reason, makes me feel like I'm more comfortable here. Plus, it's a great way to explore new parts of Florence. Then we went to the da Vinchi museum. It was cool, but I wasn't super impressed. I love a good museum and this one was eh at best. Oh well! You don't know till you try. Today, back to classes. After class I made my roomies go to a park with me to read:) I'm reading a book called The Call by Os Guinness (it's for my fellows program for next year). Dinner at home tonight then sports night! I'm not sure what that will look like, but my roomies and I signed up (it's organized through our program) and we figured it could be fun! And good exercise potentially. That's all for now folks...

Saturday, May 24, 2014


First weekend trip, lol. Alright so it started Friday around noon. We opened our building door... to pouring rain. Of course, the first rain we experience in Florence is the day we are walking with backpacks and cameras all the way to the train station. Luckily I remembered my rain jacket as did my roomies. So it was all good. Then we finally make it to the train station. We buy our tickets for Arezzo at 1:09... which left us like 12 minutes to validate our tickets and figure out everything. The train situation was quite confusing. The ticket doesn't say what platform to go to, and the signs at each platform are not super helpful either. UGHH. We were just standing there looking back and forth trying to figure out where to go. So we went up to a train assistant at the train we thought was correct and held it up and said "Uhhh, correcto?" Our Italian is incredible... Anyways... he essentially said, "No, your train is that one. And it's leaving in 2 minutes so run." So we ran. We were those Americans, it was fabulous. We got on the train and it was packed. I had to sit with random people and my roomies kept on walking. Then no joke, an announcement comes on in Italian. Ummm. I didn't understand a word. People listen attentively then begin to moan and groan and pack up. WHAT THE WHAT. What was happening? I look at the man next to me and said "What? Cosa?" He holds up three fingers to me and just says tre. Ummmm. So I pack up, begin walking off. My roommate Anna called me (thank goodness we have those Italian phones to use while here when we don't have wifi). Apparently our train wasn't working, someone who spoke Italian and English explained to Anna, and so our whole train was moving from platform 16 to 3. Lovely:) We make it there and luckily this time we are all in the same car. Once on the train, all went smoothly. So, we were going to a TINY medieval town called Lucignano. One of my roomies Felicity has a good family friend there who owns a bed and breakfast with his wife and 3 year old daughter. Paulo picked us up from the train station (in Arezzo) and drove us 20 minutes to his home. It was a beautiful little bed and breakfast, and Paulo and his wife Beatrice were so incredibly hospitable. They housed us, fed us, and showed us around all for free! We ate, we walked around (you can literally walk around the town in 10 minutes), laid out, played with their precious daughter, and got gelato. We stayed Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. So tonight we headed back.. and of course.. had more train struggles. We bought the right ticket, got on the wrong train. UGHHHH. I mean, it was going to the same final station: Firenze SMN, but the train we got on took an hour and 40 minutes because it was regional and made a bunch of stops. Whereas, the train we bought a ticket for took only 40 minutes. The train assistant who was checking our tickets was the one who let us know and I was so tired and for some reason thought it was hilareous. I lost it, I was laughing so hard. He got really tickled at how stupid I felt and how funny I thought it was so then he started laughing really hard. I think we made his day:) He asked where we were from and just LOLed when we said United States. Whoops, fillin stereotypes right and left. But I say their train system is stupid, not us. Geeeeeeez. Welp, we made it back tonight safely:) Overall success.
Albergo Osteria da Toto! The bed and breakfast we stayed at. 
The eating area. Beatrice fixed us AMAZING meals. Her father was a chef and taught her everything he knows.

View from our room

Anna and I on our adventure around the town. Such a beautiful background since Lucignano is on a hill. 

Apparently these style trees are in one of Michaelangelo's paintings... 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Done with my first week of classes!

I have class Tuesday-Thursday 9-2:30. It is hard to be in a class for 2 and a half hours but it's so worth it to have Mondays and Fridays free to travel. I didn't do my homework the first night of class... neither did a lot of people, but our Italian teacher yelled at us so I am definitely going to try and remember to do my homework. So now my roomies and I do that for a bit when we get home from class each day. I have now gotten a pizza, gelato, and wine in Florence! Yay! All three were delightful. I have really enjoyed exploring Florence each evening or night and learning about new things, or trying new restaurants. Last night was one of my favorite nights. After class I got my roomies to take a walk to a new side of town. It was more residential, hardly any tourists which I adored. We found a really cool little community park where people were enjoying sitting, chatting, and children were playing sports. We then stopped at a little shop to get a cannoli which I loved. We made dinner at home, did our homework, and then went on an adventure. We crossed the river, saw the "fashion" corner of Florence, saw a street performer, literally just walked all around everywhere, visited the oldest church in Florence, and ended the night with a glass of wine at a small restaurant near the Duomo. So fun!

The park near the local side of town:)

Working on my photography skills! Slowly but surely


The River! Dat reflection doe;)
First glass of wine in Florence!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First Day of Classes

Monday's breakfast. Ordering... the struggle was so real

Mercado Central- I was in love of course

Fresh food, good prices.
Ponte Vecchio is behind me, it is a very famous bridge in Firenze

This is the only pic from today, I took if after class when I was doing some adventuring on my own. 
 Today was my first day of classes. I am in beginners Italian from 9-11:30 and The Florence Food and Culture experience from 12-2:30. I have to book it from class to class. My apartment to class is 20 minutes and class to class is 20-30 minutes if walking briskly! Here's hoping all that walking burns off all the croissants and gelato! My Italian class was good, but a lot to take in haha. My professor is a male and he is quite animated. Lots of over-exaggerated pronunciations and he kinda yells at us/conducts us with his arms when we recite stuff. It's great. My second class was epic. My professor is an environmental engineer! And in the summer teaches the food courses. She is incredible. She was asking about who knew about the slow food movement and activist Vanashiva- I DID!! I was the only person, I got automatic brownie points:) I'm such a nerd. Anyways, that class should be really interesting. We learn about food, culture, and we have lab every few days to cook!! We get a real chef apron and everything. Today when walking alone at a fairly touristy spot, I finally got approached by a street vendor. He gave me a bracelet and wanted me to buy it... I was not havin that so I said. Sorry dude, I don't want the bracelet and I'm not paying for it, here it is and good luck. I try not to be mean ever, but I also try and be assertive/clear. Florence is a hoppin city and that kind of stuff will happen often so you just have to handle it correctly. Anyways, it has been an adventure so far. I have already learned some Italian and have begun to feel like I understand the streets/directions of the city. My roomies and I are gonna run to the store to get toilet paper, and other essentials and then get Aperitivos (which is like an appetizer buffet thing/happy hour). Anyways, it is really fun and a great deal! Miss you all back home lots, but starting to feel more adjusted here already which is a huge blessing. I know it will just get easier/more comfortable. Just like my summer in Nicaragua and just like my summer in Goochland.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Orientation YEEEEE

Being in Firenze is surreal! I'm starting to believe it is real. Slept pretty well last night which was super exciting. Today I had an apartment checkin/explanation thing which went well. My roommates are EPIC! I'm so stoked. God blessed me with three down to earth, really cool girls. One of them is like me (just walked) and is doing an internship here and taking one class then is done with school (that's Anna my actual roomie). Felicity is an apartment mate and she is really cool. She took Italian this whole past year and she has been clutch haha. I am learning quickly:) Mac is the third girl and she is a film major, really sweet and bubbly. We also had orientation today. I switched out of my wine class (time was inconvenient) and into Italian because I was feelin bummed I wasn't taking an Italian class. It all worked out well though, which is good cause some kids couldn't' do drop/add and they were super mad haha. My roommates and I also went to the Central Market today (one of the many open air markets in Firenze). I, being the fresh foods/local girl, was loving it. I'm excited about absorbing the Italian culture through grocery shopping and cooking. Only bummer is that my arm hurts:( Gonna go to SAI office tomorrow and see if I can find a university PT place?!!? Here's hoping! Tomorrow is first day of classes! Eek! Yay:)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

What day is it? Don't matta, I'm in Italy

Florence Day 1! I made it. Praise God. I left Blacksburg at 2ish Saturday, drove to DC. Left Dulles airport at 10:20pm, flew overnight, stopped in Munich Sunday 1pm (their time- 7am our time). Left Munich for Florence at 13:55 and made it to Florence around 15:30. My apartment is on the outskirts of the city, which is kind of nice. It isn't too touristy. Our apartment is Borgo Pinti, 86 50121 Firenze, Italy BUT to send a letter to me (Sara and Katie) SAI said to send it to:
   Kelsey Riggs
   C/I SAI Programs
   Via dei Benci; 21
   50122- Firenze
Tonight we met each other. I am rooming with a girl named Anna from Golden, Colorado (and originally from Columbia). Our apartment mates are Mac and Felicity, two super down to earth, awesome girls. Our apartment is super cute! We have a little patio thing, hard wood floors, a retro looking yellow fridge, etc. The streets are really narrow here and people drive crazy and will hit you if you don't move. Almost everyone speaks English, so a language barrier shouldn't be an issue. Tonight we went to the D'uomo (cathedral) which was incredibly beautiful and then got dinner at this cute little restaurant. I got pistachio gnocchi, so yum. I couldn't finish it though, I got to full and they don't do left-overs here so that was a bummer. I just showered and we are figuring out stuff for tomorrow and all the things we need to do/buy. So far, I have only forgotten pajamas and well that's easy cause I have t-shirts and sport shorts. I don't re-read these nor do I often edit, so I apologize for that. More to come!
This was on the plane, so fancy

The red dot is where we walked to tonight

The street outside my apartment

The D'uomo (Cathedral)

Gnocchi (potato pasta) with pistachios

Thursday, May 15, 2014

See You Later Alligators:)

Coming to college is an extremely scary thing. You leave the friends and family that have surrounded you your whole life, you leave what is familiar and comfortable. You then come to a place where you are forced to start new. To make new friends, to discover a new area, and to further discover who you are as an individual. I have had such an amazing experience doing that. The family I found at Tech and the community I gained has been such a blessing. I am so lucky to say that all 3 years I have had different but really awesome living situations. I want to take time to reflect on my Blacksburg family, especially the three gals I lived with this past year. 

FRESHMAN YEAR: Jennie Senter was my freshman roommate:) We could not be more polar opposites, but we work so well together. She is short and blonde. I am tall and a brunette. She is an engineer, I am a tree hugger. She is a night owl, I am a morning person. I like reading, she hates it so much. I adore kids, I want to work with them as my career, Jennifer wants to never ever ever have children. She is a fashionista, hair and makeup expert, girly girl; I am a well, um, I have my own unique style largely consisting of athletic clothes. What do we have in common? We both love Jesus, we love each other, and we love to dance, play games, and make life an adventure. I lived in Lee Hall with this beautiful and sweet girl, who slowly became one of my favorite people. She embraces me and I feel so authentic around her. I cherish the memories from Room 525, as well as 401 Berryfield. Jennie, I love you and will miss you greatly.
 Sophomore year I didn't live with any of these gals haha. Jennie wanted to stay on campus, as did Sara and Katie. Kristen Huenerberg asked me to live in her apartment which I was stoked on. And sophomore year was incredible- those girls were such blessings. Anyways, back to this years roommates. 

Freshman year: Jennie and I put real clothes on for once:)
Hiking the Cascades Sophomore year! We are always down to be outside together:)

Year 3 as friends, re-united as roommates, and turning 21 together in the same month!
JUNIOR YEAR: Katie Bizassa, Jennie Senter, Sara Tinsely, and Kelsey Riggs moved on in to Berryfield. 
Katie had a cow show! Gotta support
 my animal lovin roomie
Let me talk about Katie B!! "SHE'S SO COOL" She joined the same small group I was in freshman year, and I have loved getting to know her over the past three years. She met Jesus in college and being able to watch that process and get to know her through that major life change has been incredibly wonderful. Katie and I were in small group together for two years (now we both lead our own), we are on the Frisbee team together, and this year we live together:) It has been such a joy getting to know this chick. We definitely connected freshman year, and our friendship was easy. Neither of us had to try to hard, it just flowed. Katie is smart, funny, selfless, thoughtful, wonderfully weird, and down to do anything anytime. Katie and I have literally done everything together: road trips, frisbee tourneys, IV dances, work out, eat, hit up that quiet floor library for hours, grocery shopped, done a mud run, supported each others hobbies, met each others families in our home towns, night time walks, hiking. You name it, we've done it. I feel so blessed to have know this chica for 3 years and look forward to seeing where life takes us.
Mud Run Sophomore year: we crushed it.

Champagne Shindig: a super fun frisbee party. 

My newest friend of these gals, but equally as special and important to me. 
Sara Tinsley. The newest friend of these gals, but equally as special and important to me. It blows my mind to think that a year ago I barely knew Sara, and now I would consider her one of my favorite people at Tech and such a dear friend. We got super lucky and both semesters this year have had very similar class schedules which meant we got to be home together a lot:) Sara and I have very complimentary personality types and being together is easy. We communicate super well, which is really important to me. I love spending time with her, what can I say. Sara is reserved, calm, funny, organized, caring, honest, loving, and really sweet. I will miss her tons next year cause we kinda did like everything together but ya know, whatcha gonna do. Special memories for sure:)

The rest of these pics are just random, fun ones I found of us:) I tried to organize them, but technology beat me. Typical. So yea.
Homeplace! Noms on noms on nomsssss
IV Fall Ball! We danced the night away:)
Easter with Sara's family in Huntersville, NC

Nature walk:) MY FAV!!

NYC baby! Roomie road trip over Christmas break. We sure did miss Jennie though:/

Valentines Day. Indian for dinner and then a movie:)

Frisbee Tourney in Boone. She's a wolf... I'm a giraffe.. it's hard to be this cool. 
Nature Walk in Lynchburg. Fall break 2013. 

Grannie and Pepper (Kristen was salt!). IV Halloween Party sophomore year. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Ann Marie, Rie Rie, Madea, Maaaaaah, Mom. Many names, one incredible women. I must be authentic here as I post, I prefer life that way. My mom and I have had periods of intense strain and discontentment in our relationship, is that not true though of most mother-daughter relationships where both parties are strong willed and opinionated? We have laughed, we have fought, we have cried, but we are still here. Here, both fighting for our relationship. Fighting for things to work even when one of us fails or it is hard. And I count that as a blessing. Praise God that blood runs deep and neither of us has given up on the other. I have prayed for years for God to restore my fragmented relationship with my mama. He has heard, and in his own timing he has answered. We both had a lot of individual healing and growing to do, God knew that and he worked individually with each of us and has now brought us together to work on our relationship. God is often thought of as just a Father because of the male persona portrayed through his son Jesus Christ and through Jesus' referral to him in the Bible as Abba (Father). Thank goodness that God is so much more dynamic than we are and so much bigger than the English language. He cannot be put in a box. The more I study the Bible I am blessed by seeing the "motherly" characteristics of God. God is perfectly nurturing, loving, compassionate, gentle, slow to anger, forgiving, wise, and much more. My mom is a great mother. Mom, you are so smart, passionate, wise, silly, confident, bold, honest, hard-working, and compassionate. You have a heart for service and justice: both such blessings from God and which make me extremely proud of you. I love seeing when you flourish in those ways, it bring glory to God and brings him joy to see his daughter in her fullness of being. I love you so much, and I am so thankful that our relationship has grown so much over the past year. We have so much work left to do, but I look forward to the journey with you:) HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY AND EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!
SELFIE: Mama smoochin Kels #throwback