Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Festivity of San Giovanni Battista

Yesterday was an Italian Holiday; it was the celebration of St. John (John the Baptist). There is a parade in the morning and a fireworks show at the Arno River at night. My friends and I missed the parade, but had a nice dinner out and then caught the fireworks show. It was so busy. I mean, people packed in like sardines across the bridge and all down the sides of the river, so claustrophobic. It was fun to see so many people out though! I really really enjoy fireworks, so I was stoked to go. Also, since I won't be home for the 4th of July, in my heart these fireworks were my 4th of July celebration hehe. Don't tell the Italians.. or the Catholic church.. Anyways, overall good day yesterday. Had to practice for my oral presentation for Italian (which was this morning), which went alright. Then I had to study for my two finals that are tomorrow:/ Here's hoping I pass my classes! For the first time in my life I'm genuinely rooting for C's. I'd be stoked on a high C!! I got dis! Maybe...
Anna and I getting ready for the fireworks

The Ponte Vecchio at night, so enchanting 

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