Monday, June 2, 2014

Earth Misses You, Heaven Rejoices for You: A Post in Memory of Mark Rodriguez

Friday night, Mark Rodriguez went to be with the Lord. Mark was randomly shot in his car by a man in another car on a shooting rampage. This is one of those tragic stories, where you ask yourself why? Or what are the chances? Mark was just driving home from NCS graduation (my brother's graduation). It could have been any of those kids, it could have been anyone. Your mind gets confused and wanders. Mark was 17. A young, sweet-hearted, passionate, bold, pure, incredible man of God. I babysat Mark (and his two brothers) all growing up. Mark would always help me with his goofy and energetic little brothers. He was honest, helpful, and loving even as an elementary and middle school boy (which we all know is pretty rare, they are usually a bunch of punks). I was with the Rodriguez family as they moved homes, with them as they adopted their daughter from Nicaragua, with them as Carlos went to seminary and then started his own church. The Rodriguez family is such a special family and my heart breaks for them as they suffer through this loss. I have cried over this loss and have mourned for their family. I have wrestled with some hard questions about this earth we live in, but as I ponder more the life of Mark I am inspired by his maturity in faith and unashamed love for God. I am encouraged to seek God as I process this tragedy. I am inspired by Mark to be more bold and authentic in my faith. Some people say this was a "part of God's plan" or it happened for "a reason." I don't know that I believe that. I 100% believe in God's ultimate power and his authority over all things. I also 100% God is perfect and just, he is without sin or cruelty. Man has free will, and while God knows everything that has and ever will happen, he does not plan or guide evil and malicious acts. Events like this highlight the darkness and brokenness that plagues our earth; they highlight the desperate need for light, for a Savior. People on Facebook have been reposting this blog post from April that Mark wrote. As I mentioned, he was so mature for his age and his love for God was just so authentic and beautiful. I would encourage you to read it, for me it gave me peace and comfort. It reminded me of the man Mark was, his incredible sense of the big picture, and how he had no fear of death, but rather joy and awe in the hope given him by God.
Romans 12 has been on my heart as I walk through dealing with this. Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." I love when God's commands are clear. The bible affirms us that there is a time for mourning, a time for dancing, a time for singing. It is ok for us to be sad that Mark is no longer here with us. It makes me so sad. But in dealing with that sadness, I look to God. The scripture helps me understand how to act: to hold onto the hope given me by God, to be patient during this time of sadness, and to be faithful in prayer. I will be praying hard for Mark's family (especially his parents Carlos and Leigh-Ellen, his two brothers, and his sister), as well as all his friends and other loved ones. I wish I could be home to help their family during this hard time, but I know they have an amazing church community that will surround them and be strong for them. Mark, you are loved and missed.


  1. Kels, your post is beautiful and poignant about Mark and about Jesus. I am so deeply saddened for his family. I know how much you love his family, and I believe your prayers and love are reaching them now (1 Corinthians 1). I was blown away reading Mark's blog post about heaven; his unabashed and authentic love for Jesus could not have been more clear. What's more, God is being talked about, pondered, and probably accepted by so many people as a result of reading Mark's post! I heard on the news that literally hundreds of thousands of people have read/shared that post through social media. I love your thoughts about God's inherent goodness and his plans never involving malice or harm. He always knows and is in control of the big picture. And he cares about every detail of our lives. I love you and your heart for The Lord. I miss you.

  2. *actually the reference should be 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
