Monday, June 9, 2014

Amalfi Coast

Thursday evening around 8pm, about 80 students loaded three massive buses coast bound. It was a six and half hour drive to Sorrento, so we got to our hostel around 3:45am. I was fighting a bad mood hard core, so I went with silence and smiles in response to whatever people around me happened to be saying. We all know I don't do late nights. So we got our room key and hit the hay. 6:30 alarm ringing, time to embrace the day. We did this trip through a program, a company called bus2alps arranges weekend trips and does the coordinating for you so for some locations it is worth it to go through them. Anyways, so that is what is with the legit schedule. We had complimentary breakfast at the hostel, aka it was included so we went ham on that nutella, bread, cheese, honey, coffee, and fruit. We headed out around 7:15. We walked to this boat, and took an hour boat ride to the island of Capri!
We then transferred to smaller boats and took a boat tour around Capri. We had the opportunity to pay 10 euros and be taken in row boats in groups of four into the Blue Grotto. It was amazing. The rocks do not touch the ground in the cave and therfore the light reflects up and there is a natural lighting inside the cave. Eek! So amazing. 
About to enter!! 

After the Blue Grotto we kept going around the Island. We went under this one arch, bridge thing. And the boat driver told us that legend says when you go under you MUST kiss someone or you will be unlucky in your love life for seven years. Of course everyone was looking around and being awkward like whose actually gonna do this. He also said you gotta french kiss, but that sure as heck wasn't about to happen. So the roommates and I did some cheek kisses:) 

We finished our boat tour, took a 30 minute "hike" up from Capri to AntiCapri, got these lemon drinks, then took a bus from AntiCapri to the top of the island. There we grabbed lunch, explored around, Felicity got hand-made leather sandals which was really neat, then we bused back down to the bottom! Beach time baby!! I've been trying to get my tan on, Nate and I are having a competition:)
Okay, so day one in Capri was wonderful. We ended the night at this really amazing restaurant in Sorrento where I got fresh shrimp pasta! Dat coast life doe:) Then day two was Positano. Beach till noon, then cave swimming, cliff jumping, and other shenanigans! It was such a blast, definitely my favorite part of the weekend. 

We swam into that cave and then explored around, it was such a fun adventure

Cliff jumping! There were three separate heights, and I stuck with the medium one cause I'm me and if I had done the 35 foot one, we all know I would have gotten hurt.

Day 3 was Pompeii! So dang hot outside, but really neat to see the ruins. I was just honestly in awe of how cool the city was and it was weird to be able to see all the ruins and pottery and such from that time. Then our six and a half hour bus ride home:) Overall, wonderful weekend. Exhausting, but so worth it!


  1. Kels, holy schnikes! This trip sounded and looked absolutely once-in-a-lifetime!!! Sooooo beautiful!! That Blue Grotto - WOW! Thanks so much for sharing the journey with us. I absolutely love that you're getting to experience all of this at this time in your life. Love you tons!

  2. I just reread this and realized you also went to Pompeii!! How amazing! Did you actually see stuff covered in ashes? Also, the kissing tradition, LOL, and the late nights -->same, sister! LOL!

  3. It all looks so beautiful! I love the architecture and natural surroundings. You have gotten to be quite the photographer. I love you and am so thankful that you are in Italy. I know that your Grandfather is smiling. His cousin from NY called and said that all three of her children studied there 20 years ago and loved it. She did get up with Gino 4 years ago in Rome and said that they were wonderful.
