Monday, June 23, 2014

A Wedding (and other adventures) in Spain

This weekend was incredible. I genuinely don't have words to describe the sights I saw, the fresh, delicious food I ate, the local wine I drank, the moments that made me laugh so hard I couldn't breath, or the joy I felt to be included in such an intimate event. I will try, but my words nor my pictures will do this trip justice. I traveled to Girona, Spain this weekend. Girona is a city about 30 min from Barcelona. Girona was amazing. You were in the mountains and yet could get to the beach in less than 40 minutes. On Friday, I got to explore downtown Girona, eat freshly made churros, kiss the statue of the Lion's butt (tradition), and eat tapas. On Saturday, I got to attend a wedding in a 1,000 year old Monastary, attend the reception at a beautiful hotel on top of the city, and party on the terrace as the sun set behind the mountains. On Sunday, I got to go to Costa Brava, drive around the coast, see ancient Greek and Roman ruins from their coastal settlements (which Anna told us all about because she is an archeologist and 20 years ago had done excavations on the site!! VIP tour of the ruins baby! And we got in for free because they remembered her from when she worked there), see the artist Salvador Dali's home, and swim in the Mediterranean. Also, since I had been "adopted" in the Rocha family a while ago, when Anna and Alberto got married her whole family adopted me too. I'm not kidding either. All the cousins were talking to me at the wedding (all a few years older than me and live in Girona or Barcelona) and told me to come back and stay with them at their flats and they'd show me around and take me to Barcelona. They said I was family now. It was seriously precious. Also, Alberto's parents were there. I fell in love with them. They are such a precious, still totally in-love, go with flow yet goofy and sassy, Jesus-lovin, sweet couple. They are from Mexico city and only speak Spanish, so I was forced to practice my Spanish again which was really fun! I remembered a lot more Spanish than I thought I would. Oh and Katherine, Daniel, and I decided that Siesta's and the double cheek kisses should 100% be instituted back in the states. 
Alberto and Anna Rocha! Congrats!! :) 
Proud Daddeo with his kiddos

Love you cheek 

We hiked down to the bottom of this and jumped in that salty Mediterranean water 

The beach town they brought us too, so breath-taking at night

Now dats some fresh food! Straight from the sea


  1. Kelsey it warms me to the bone to hear you describe such a wonderful time of friends and family! So thankful that they took you in like that. Love you!

  2. What a beautiful post, Kels!! This family sounds amazing, and I'm so glad you got to be with them for such a special time!!
