Saturday, July 12, 2014

Florence Be Treatin Me Right

This weekend is my last official weekend in Florence:( Next weekend I am headed to Barcelona, then off to Switzerland, next Paris, and then Megan will be here and we will set off on our own adventures. As you know, Friday I went to a vineyard for a tour and wine tasting. Later that evening, all the roomies fixed dinner at home and we ate outside on our patio and jammed to some tunes. We then headed out for gelato, some picture taking, and bought some new wines on our way home. We played cards, had some wine (one was a super light white which was pretty good and the red we got was eh haha), THEN we went out dancing. It was a ton of fun. Today I had some adventures planned that my roommates kindly accompanied me on. First I took them to this hole in the wall for lunch. A program director had told me about it and I really wanted to venture over to it and check it out. It is so sketchy haha, my favorite. Genuinly does not have a name... just a poster that says street food and some Italian stuff. Anyways, it is this, as I said, hole in the wall. It is owned by this sweet old lady and her family. They make some very unique things I hadn't tried yet in Florence (more traditional things). They had pizza that was almost like a pizza on top of a pizza. As in there was crust on top and bottom and then the cheese and sauce and such was in the inside. I know what you are thinking... CALZONE DUMMIE! But it isn't I promise. BECAUSE, they have calzones. AND fried calzones, which my roomie got and I tried a bite- it was delicious. They also have frittelli di riso and palenta. I tried my roomies palenta, it was pretty good. It is some weird fried cornmeal thing. I got a frittelli di riso and it was so yum. My one roommate, Caitlyn is a career student about to get her culinary degree as a pastry chef so she was able to tell us how you make the tasty treat, which was really cool to learn about. The general point is that there is rice, custard, orange flavor, and other good noms balled up and fried. Oh and then lightly sprinkled with unrefined sugar! You wouldn't wanna eat them often for your colons sake, but they are a good treat once and a while. Then we headed to this massive park called Parco delle Casine. We just ventured around, there is a lot going on. The typical trees, grass, benches area. In addition there is a community pool, tennis courts, and pavement for biking or roller blading. Next we trekked over the river to the Pitti Palace to visit the famous Boboli Gardens. Beautiful!! Unfortunately, a storm was approaching fast so we had to cut our visit short. Overall though, a great day full of walking, adventures, good conversation, and yummy food. Tonight, dinner at home and just hanging out.
A dutch angle shot of the Basilica di Santa Croce

Boboli Gardens at the Pitti Palace

A beautiful fountain inside the Boboli Gardens

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