Monday, March 10, 2014

Family Time

     In my last post, I posted pictures of paintball. My first weekend home was a blast! Friday night when I got in, sweet Granga-lang took Nate, Meg, and I out to dinner. We went to Atlas diner and I legit have not been in years. Throwback dinner, so fun. Saturday we had a super relaxing morning. I went all out, slept in till 7:15 haha. It was kind of nice though cause I got to skype my good friend Rachel, who is in Seville, Spain! So great to catch up with her. In the afternoon, we went paint balling which was hilarious. Meg and Kate (one of her best friends) show up in running tights, bright pink tennis shoes, and eyeliner as "war paint." Nate and I looked semi-legit but not even. We end up playing with like 12 18 year old boys who clearly do this every weekend. They thought we were ridiculous, but they were so nice. It was a great time! Later we headed to the gym, then showered, and went to Mexican for dinner. We crushed some chips and salsa. We ended the night with ice cream and a movie: Dallas Buyers Club.
     Sunday we went to Trinity for church. Randy preached on the Kingdom of God. The sermon was great- I payed attention the whole time, which is really hard for me. I just really enjoyed the church service. It was nice getting to see old friends and teachers too. Sunday afternoon all four kids and dad played frisbee and football, it was such a good time. Then dad, meg, and I went to the dock and just sat near the water and talked for a while. Then we hung out and chilled for the rest of the night- we were wiped.
Mexican with Kate and Meg. Margs for the of age gals! Which will be me in less than a month!

Had to take a break from frisbee for a sibling pic:)

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