Friday, November 29, 2013

The givin of the thanks, or as some call it Thanksgiving...

This year for Thanksgiving I went to the Shoaf Thanksgiving at 12:30. Rachel Rocamontes is one of my oldest and best friends. Her family (the Shoaf side) is like my family; her grandparents have actually un-officially adopted me. I legit am in a picture with Rachel on the family picture wall- score! It's pretty great! So this year I got to celebrate with them. It was DELICIOUS!!! And so special to see them all and catch up. Then my family, just us six (Ann Marie, Chip, Travis, Megan, Nate, and I) had Thanksgiving dinner at 5:30. Once again, so yummy. I actually felt sick though after my second Thanksgiving meal in one day haha. SO WORTH IT THOUGH! Usually family get togethers are pretty crazy, but this year was relatively calm and enjoyable. That's something to be thankful for! Even though my family is, well straight up difficult (me included in that for sure!), I love them so much I can't even describe it and am so thankful for them. 

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