Friday, November 29, 2013

The givin of the thanks, or as some call it Thanksgiving...

This year for Thanksgiving I went to the Shoaf Thanksgiving at 12:30. Rachel Rocamontes is one of my oldest and best friends. Her family (the Shoaf side) is like my family; her grandparents have actually un-officially adopted me. I legit am in a picture with Rachel on the family picture wall- score! It's pretty great! So this year I got to celebrate with them. It was DELICIOUS!!! And so special to see them all and catch up. Then my family, just us six (Ann Marie, Chip, Travis, Megan, Nate, and I) had Thanksgiving dinner at 5:30. Once again, so yummy. I actually felt sick though after my second Thanksgiving meal in one day haha. SO WORTH IT THOUGH! Usually family get togethers are pretty crazy, but this year was relatively calm and enjoyable. That's something to be thankful for! Even though my family is, well straight up difficult (me included in that for sure!), I love them so much I can't even describe it and am so thankful for them. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bowling, Noms, Movies and so much more!

     Sunday we went to church, I hadn't been to Trinity in forever so it was nice to go but it felt so different. I definitely didn't feel like a part of the church anymore, such an interesting feeling. Blacksburg has slowly become more like home and parts of Norfolk feel less and less like home. It makes me super curious to see where I will end up next year, where I will create a new home!? Then Sunday afternoon we went bowling and then went to Mexican where Nate and Noah joined us, as well as, Charlotte (child-hood best friend) and her boyfriend Evan. It was a blast!
     Monday Megan had off work and so we slept in, worked out, and then got massages. It was amazing, the lady who gave me a massage said I had ridiculously tight knots in my shoulder and back. We pretty much just chilled the rest of Monday: made stir-fry, watched a movie, went to bed early.
     Tuesday Dad and I saw Catching Fire together and then I headed to the Beans' house for Pumpkin Football and a yummy chili dinner. It was my first year being able to come and it was so fun. It was rainy and muddy, but I kinda feel like that made it more epic. We did have an injury though, which was a major bummer:/ This sweet girl Alyssa broke her arm! Eek! 
     Today was cooking day. I woke up, baked the stuffing casserole, chocolate chess pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potato casserole, peeled and cut the potatoes, and snapped the green beans. I had a lunch break: got to join the siblings and Grandma for lunch. Tonight I'm headed to Virginia Beach for Freddie and Mary's engagement party.
Bowling with the Fam and Friends:)
Lunch with Granga (Travis, Nathan, Jessica, Megan, and Granga)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Made it home

So I left Blacksburg Thursday around 2 and headed to Lynchburg. I got to spend the afternoon and night with Grandma Gracie and Papa John. It was so nice to see them. We had a really nice spegetti dinner Thursday night (John defrosted some of his yummy mushroom sauce for the vegetarian- SO YUM!). I legitimately couldn't keep my eyes open at 9:30pm so I went to bed and slept so well. Friday morning GG and I baked some treats for my Richmond visits, then John made his special waffles and we had a nice brunch. I loaded up the car (dad needed some furniture brought home that he had been storing there). Then on to Goochland! I spent the afternoon with Steve (the farm manager from this summer) and his family. I got to visit the farm, it looks so different. There are so many awesome renovations, it was so nice to go back. I miss it for sure. The Miles fed me dinner, Mandy is such a great cook and I love spending time with their fam. Then I headed to Richmond, got to see Owen and his parents which was really fun. They live right on the James River, it was beautiful. I finished the night by heading to Glen Allen to stay the night with Taylor. Had a nice lazy morning with Tay and then had lunch with Kate (farm friend) and got to see her and her boyfriend Ben's new place. It was awesome! I left Richmond around 2:30 and got to Norfolk around 4:10. Dinner with all the siblings, Megan's boyfriend Tyler, and Papa Charles and Billie. It was really fun! It is definitely nice to be on break and be home. I had been home for 4 days and August, but other than that haven't been home since May. Crazy!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall Retreat!! Better Posted Late than Never:)

Catherine, Jamie, Me, and Alyssa:)

I got kinda close to the bulls eye haha

Teen Band Pic! Nathan, me, and Ross

The infamous blob!

Throwback pic: my old small group girls:) 

Frisbee. Dat Bro Life...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My First Frisbee Tourney

Roommate Katie

The Kelsey's

VT Team Y: We won 3 of 4 games! 

The whole frisbee team: costume tourney whoop whoop!


We are the Spice Girls! Get it? :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sinkland Farms With My Small Group

This is my wonderful co-leader Jamie Hoover

This is one of our freshman, Alyssa. She is also on the frisbee team- such an awesome girl!