Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Retreat:)

This weekend I went to Scottsville, VA to go to Watermarks camp for Fall Retreat. It was a blast! Got to hear some good talks by fellow vision teamers, got to play a lot, and hang with my small group. I got to shoot a 12 gage at a target and do archery, do the water trampoline, the blob, play pick up basketball (which I got way to into of course), play epic group sport games. It was so fun, but I'm actually really sore today from playing so hard. It was nice to get away for a weekend and have some reflection time and relaxing time. Back at Tech now though and hitting the books because I have an exam this afternoon. I'm stoked for tonight though cause Jamie and I (my co-leader are going to celebrate being done with mid-terms, she had 4! I only had 2 haha) and we're gonna plan small group for wednesday. Then tonight... NO VISION TEAM MEETING!! Just hang out! Yay Yay Yay! We are gonna chill and watch a movie I think:) Will be really nice! That's all for now...

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