Sunday, October 13, 2013


Pumkinstein was this weekend with my roommate from last year, Katy Huggins. Pumpkinstein is a tradition of these three families that participate and has been for over 30 years!! It rained a lot:/ BUT was still a blast. We ate a yummy vegetarian chili, sang around the fire, and so much more. But some are secrets of Pumkinstein and therefore I cannot disclose that information to you. So sorry, but it is how it must be. My pictures are captioned and reveal what I am allowed to tell you:)

Pumpkinstein is always in Winchester, VA! 3.5 hour drive... just me and Katy Bug Hug

Don't worry, we know the owners! They invited us!

Katy was not havin this, but we drove through it anyways

Katy and her sweet sweet Grandma Louisa 

The campsite. Tents and food behind me, open woods in front of me.

Katy and Kels:)

The carving of the pumpkins
OHHHH!! This is not quite Pumpkinstein... this was a 10 min away field trip to Katy's grandma and grandpa's home. Which they build every single thing themselves and they are fully sustainable. Like chop down their own wood for fuel, pump their own water, grown all their own food. SO COOL!! I was lovin this so much.
They thought because of housing regulations they had to have indoor pluming, then they ended up not having to so they turned them into something else:) 

Their wood for this winter. 

Their house, which if you can see the plants on top is largely underground. This keeps it from never being under 52 degrees and never over 85. AMAZING!!

The shed

Work bench

They are drying onions! Just like I did:)
The theme this year was Zombiestein! See the zombie pumpkins! 

They are surrounded by a fire/ fireworks. Katy has those pics since my phone died. So I will add the explosion pics later haha

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