Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Day and Valentine's Day

The final count for Blacksburg was 20 inches! 
I do not mess around about playing in the snow...

Me, roommate Jennie, and Emory

The roommates headed to Valentine's dinner at India Garden:)

My First Frisbee Tournament

My first tourney was at UNC January 25-26! We came in seated 4th and finished 2nd! So fun!!

This was us getting a sweet treat after playing all those games of frisbee!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Birthday Papa Bear!!! :)

“My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland

So the quote is not spot on, because my dad does verbally instruct me how to live and helps guide my path, but I like this quote so much because I truly believe that actions do speak louder than words. My father verbalizes truths to me; but more importantly he lives and lets me watch him- and that is his greatest lesson. My dad teaches me to be organized, intentional, and balanced- I learn this from the way he keeps a home and does life. My dad teaches me to work hard and diligently; as working for the Lord and not for men. I see this in his work life; the way he works tirelessly as a Mortgage Loan Officer. My dad teaches me to be patient, forgiving, humble, persistent, and loving-- he does this by the way that he faithfully loves the women he married. And although they are divorced, he continues to feel called to love and care for her. I used to see it as weakness; I now see it as the strength and beauty of a man pursuing God obediently even when it is confusing or hard. I have always had a special relationship with my dad and I feel so incredibly blessed for that. And I'm sure he'll read this and think I was just going on and on about how great he is so for his sake I will create a disclaimer... My dad is not perfect (but man oh man is he pretty darn close). 

Dad, Happy Birthday. I love you so much and pray you have a blessed day. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014


I have got to upload pics! I just haven't had time yet. We got over a foot of snow last night. It was insane; it started snowing at 3pm and just did not stop! Although, only morning classes have been cancelled so I guess Blacksburg isn't shutting down. BUT lucky me, my first two classes were cancelled cause of snow and my 3rd class has been cancelled for a week because my professor had to go to a conference. No class for me today! Yay!

Last weekend was IV's Winter Conference at camp Rockbridge. SO GOOD! The theme was Gospel Justice, and it was super powerful. The speaker, Jonathan Walton, threw some real convicting, super awesome stuff at us. I really enjoyed the weekend, learning more about what the Bible has to say about justice (Isaiah 58) and reconciliation- as well as, spending time with my small group gals. Love those crazy girls. I think I definitely have the weirdest small group ever, seriously, such weirdos... but then again, the leaders (Jamie and I) are some weird chicks haha. Wouldn't want it any other way.

Got a Valentine's Day package from GG and PJ, which my roomies and I have been demolishing. I cannot believe it is already February 13th! That blows my mind. This year has FLOWN by! I have begun applying and interviewing for programs for next year. I cannot believe that this is my last semester at Tech. Then a summer semester in Florence, Italy and then who knows where I'll be! What an exciting place to be in life. I look forward to the adventure. That's all for now folks;)