Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Back to Life, Back to Reality; Back to the Here and Now"

I am for sure a highly functional nerd. Katie and Sara made so much fun of me because as we were driving back I just had this moment where I got super stoked for classes. I genuinely enjoy learning (do I always love being swamped with homework.. no... but I enjoy the overall experience of reading and class discussions ect.) So we're back! Books ordered, schedules finally worked out, and coffee constantly being brewed;)

My schedule: M/W class 12:20-3:45 (Intro to Cinema which is crazy cool so far and then Global and Environmental Issues which is difficult but interesting, oh and a little depressing). M nights I have recitation... for Cinema.. which means we watch a movie haha- killer I know. Last night we watched Moonstruck which was um weird, but good. W mornings I have small group planning meeting in the morning (8:45) at Next Door Bake Shop and then I stay and do my online class. Next Door is so cute and I get to try different coffee drinks if I choose to so treat myself haha:) It is a really nice mid-week mood booster haha. W nights I have dinner with my small group (that Jamie and I started mid last semester) and then bible study. Tomorrow we officially begin again and we are studying John 4:46-54. We are studying different stories of God's power seen in John for the next 6 weeks. T/R class 9:30-1:45 (Public Speaking, Physical Geology, and Asian Religions). T nights I work 4:15-7 teaching the little tots ballet and jazz. So fun! R nights I have frisbee 4-6. Then I have an online class called Travel and Tourism Management, a good amount of work but definitely a doable class if I stay on top of it. FRIDAY EQUALS NO CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!! So happy about that!! 18 credits, 2 work shifts, some studyin of the Bible, and lots of fun and shenanigans in between!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Road Trip 2014

So my roommates Sara and Katie took a road trip with me at the end of break! It was a great adventure. Sara and I hitched rides from Richmond to Leesburg to Hamilton, New Jersey. There, Katie picked Sara and I up from our friend's house. We then drove to Sea Girt, NJ. We got to see where Katie worked in high school, the beach she grew up hanging out at, and more. We stayed at her mom and step dad's house, but were 5 minutes away from her Dad and step mom- so we got to spend time with them as well. Friday we woke up at 5:30 and took a train into New York City Baby!! Sara had never been, so it was really cool to be with her as she got to see all the highlights of NYC. We were tuckered out by 4pm though and so we trained it home. That night we had pizza with Katie's younger siblings and step mom which was a blast. We spent one more full day in Sea Girt: ate at the local diner, played apples to apples with Katie's mom and her friends, went to the melting pot for dinner!

Jersey to McLean, Va where we stayed a night with my family: the Alberi's. We went to dinner at Seasons 52 at Tyson's Corner which was super yummy. Then Monday morning we got a sweet VIP tour of the Capitol- my great uncle Bob hooked us up haha.

McLean to Norfolk where Sara and I got to meet my family. Monday we got in around 4 so we just hung with Meg and Nate and watched a movie. Tuesday we had lunch with Granga and Megan which was a blast! G is a hoot! And then Sara and Katie got the Virginia Beach tour and saw where I grew up, my elementary school, church, etc. Then dinner with Dad and the siblings at Captain Groovy's.

Norfolk to Richmond where Sara departed from us to head home to Charlotte, NC. Katie and I spent Wednesday afternoon in Goochland visiting the farm and camp. We then had dinner at Steve and Mandy's house. It was really good to catch up with them, and cool for Katie to see everything I experienced this summer with my internship. Then Thursday we hung in Richmond with Owen and Jordan: did Cary town, went ice-skating, had dinner at Owen's house.

Richmond to Lynchburg. Katie and I visited GG and PJ for the night. We went to Indian for dinner which was a treat! Then waffles for breakfast and we hit the road: Tech bound.

Now we're home! It was a great road trip, but it's so nice to be settled in. Classes start tomorrow, I'm really excited but I am taking 18 credits which is gonna kick my butt:/ Oh well. I'll make it work, always do.
Central Park

Sara and I outside the Today show

Melting Pot: SO MUCH FOOD!!!!!


Time Square
Rosa Parks statue at the Capitol in DC

Dinner with Papa John, Grandma Gracie, and Katie

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Georgia! Christmas 2013!

This year for Christmas, the kids stayed at home for Christmas morning (our awesome grandparents from Lynchburg came to stay with us for Christmas Eve and Day-- Grandma Gracie and Papa John) but we then headed to Georgia for Christmas night. Chrissy (our lovely aunt) and her husband Matt opened their home to us and showed us a fabulous time in Tucker, Georgia. We arrived in GA around 5 on Christmas day, we arrived to a lovely Christmas meal: pot roast, sweet potato casserole, and honey corn muffins. Delicious! Oh and dessert was criminal: peppermint ice-cream pie (which includes oreos, thick chocolate fudge sauce, and peppermint ice-cream). We stayed Wednesday till Saturday and had a great trip! Hiking, serving at an awesome organization in Atlanta, movies, a bonfire and s'mores, shopping, amazing food. It was overall a very special, family filled, and fun.
Me, Nate, and Meg. When did Nathan become a man?!?

Nate, Megan, Chrissy (my aunt), me, and Michelle (Chrissy's good friend)

Nate, Matt (uncle), Chrissy, me and Meg

Nate, Me, Megan, Chrissy, and Matt

On top of Stone Mountain in Georgia. Such a great hike. 

The crew at the Atlanta Union Mission.