Monday, September 30, 2013

Fall Retreat:)

This weekend I went to Scottsville, VA to go to Watermarks camp for Fall Retreat. It was a blast! Got to hear some good talks by fellow vision teamers, got to play a lot, and hang with my small group. I got to shoot a 12 gage at a target and do archery, do the water trampoline, the blob, play pick up basketball (which I got way to into of course), play epic group sport games. It was so fun, but I'm actually really sore today from playing so hard. It was nice to get away for a weekend and have some reflection time and relaxing time. Back at Tech now though and hitting the books because I have an exam this afternoon. I'm stoked for tonight though cause Jamie and I (my co-leader are going to celebrate being done with mid-terms, she had 4! I only had 2 haha) and we're gonna plan small group for wednesday. Then tonight... NO VISION TEAM MEETING!! Just hang out! Yay Yay Yay! We are gonna chill and watch a movie I think:) Will be really nice! That's all for now...

Meant to post this a few weeks ago!

My lettuce did sprout! I'm going to eat some today (because it should be ready to harvest, hopefully it will taste good) with my bean taco!

Monday, September 23, 2013

A New Small Group, Crafts, and my Week

So I am now a small group leader. What?! Yep:) My friend Jamie and I (both of whom are on vision team) felt led to start a small group for our friends who do believe in Jesus but don't know what that looks like or what to do with it and our friends who are not sure whether or not they believe. It's awesome. It is just super open and real, I am stoked to get into it further and start studying scripture together. Thankfully because this adds more commitment to my already pretty full plate, my 180 planning co-leader has agreed to take more logistical duties in reference to planning large group. So that's a huge blessing.

I need to put a picture up, but I've been crafting a lot and it's been really relaxing for me. I found a small round side table in a dumpster and I got some white paint for free from a friend. So I painted it white then painted a blue and yellow flower and green vines coming down the three pegs. I am pleased although I may do a little more to it. And I am doing that paper towel roll craft again. But this time I am making small flowers connected to vines. I know this all has to be hard to picture so I gotta put some pictures up!

I've had a lot of papers and assignments due, but this Thursday is my first exam! Eek! Luckily some of my good friends and roommate Katie have exams this week so we're gonna up the library this week. As we like to say, "You a'int livin unless you're libbin." So I am feeling good about homework, I think I have enough time to get it all done this week, but we'll see how I'm feeling wednesday morning haha. Also, this weekend is IV's Fall Retreat so I will be at Watermarks camp in Scottesville, VA this weekend so I want to get all my Monday homework done this week. It's super exciting though because it's my first year going!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's been a while...

My good friend Krista who has read every blog post I've written (which literally makes my heart so happy) reminded me that I have not blogged in forever! I think I could probably write 20 paragraphs about everything that has been going on.
     Classes are going really well, although for a while I was starting to feel behind and it made me feel overwhelmed and stressed. Luckily, I now have my routine and feel better about the chaos which is my life.
     Teaching dance is SO DANG FUN!!! I am subbing tonight for a gymnastics class, but my usual schedule is teach ballet Tuesday 4:15-7:15 and Saturday gymnastics 9:15-11:45. I have really enjoyed having a class of students and getting to know them and watching them improve. My first tuesday night class has 4-5 girls (depending on the night) ages 3-5. They are literally insane, it's hilarious. Last night, this silly and vivacious girl Elizabeth said "Miss Kelsey, I think my dad is taller than you." Me "Yes, I think he probably is haha." Elizabeth "My daddy also has a really big beard, he told me it's because he drinks a lot of beard." As in she things he drinks beer (which in her mind is called beard) to make his beard grow... I dyed laughing for at least a minute. It was so rich.
     Did I already blog about this?! If not... I am now on the girls VT ultimate club frisbee team. I work tuesdays so I can't go to practice then, but I go every Thursday and I do weekend conditioning. I have really enjoyed getting to know the team and learning the techniques and rules of the game.
     IV is good. NSO (new student outreach) is slowing down and small groups are going and it feels more settled which is nice. I have been enjoying MCing a lot more this semester which is honestly a huge answer to prayers. We have mens and women's night this Saturday: I'M STOKED!! The girls go to the duck pond and play shaving cream whiffle ball which is epic!
     The apartment is wonderful, we finally got our dryer fixed... still have a leak under our kitchen sink though. You win some you loose some. The roomies are so great: I really love the girls I'm living with and so far our dynamics are really good. What a blessing! It makes life a lot more simple/ easy:) Sara (the roomie who I knew the least well upon living together) has been awesome. This morning we had a breakfast date at Our Daily Bread and it was real fun. She got a crepe... and I snap chatted a bunch of people about it... then my dad texted me and said "you said creeps with sara... did you mean to say crepes with sara?" ... yea... I meant crepes, whoops!
     Krista, who I mentioned before, and I are about to start going through the devotional My Utmost for His Highest. I am excited to get back into a routine and see what we are taught throughout the process.
     Lastly, a food and faith issue. So today I went to the farmers market to buy a few pieces of fruit and veggies. This one stand had some extra people behind the stand... two of which were eating a 7-11 hotdog from across the street. For me, that's weird. It feels like such a disconnect to me... anyone feel me here? I'm trying to process through that... but that's all I got for now haha.