Sunday, April 6, 2014

Birthday Shenanigans!

So Wednesday was my birthday and what a special week it has been. Between my family and dear friends, I have felt so stinkin loved this past week. It was my 21st which is crazy! I can't believe I'm 21, and graduating soon. Tuesday night I went downtown, which is kind of a joke in Blacksburg but there are some bars and such. I got my first legal drink (you are allowed to at 10pm the night before your 21st) and brought in my birthday with some of my fav people: Katie, Jennie, and Kristen. Wednesday I woke up to the sweetest arrangement of things: Starbucks coffee and a McDonalds egg and cheese biscuit from Katie (with a super sweet note of course), a super tender card from Sara, and a Rootbeer, Milky way, balloon, and beautiful card from my roommate from last year Katy Huggins. The day went on with many more great things in store: bible study (Jamie brought cookies for my bday and gave me a SWEET gift- a to go mug that legit keeps your coffee warm ALL day!), then hangin with the roomies and friends as we enjoyed cookie cake which Charlotte ordered for me! Oh and the roomies made me Reese brownies for when I got home from small group. SO YUMMY!!!!!!! Oh and Jennie got me a Starbucks giftcard- yea buddy. Oh and Tuesday night one of my dancers brought me a cupcake and card. And I got a lot of really sweet cards from family and friends and some epic bday voicemails. AND I GOT A DSLR CAMERA FROM MY GRANDMA!! I've wanted one for years, so she offered to go halfsies with me so I could buy one! These next pics are some of the first pics I took with my bangin new Nikon camera. Jamie, Becca, Katie, and I took an adventure yesterday to the Duck Pond and then went to my roomie from last year, Bekah's, FASA culture show to watch her perform a traditional dance called Tinikling. 

A beautiful tree at the Duck Pond

Becca (a sophomore in Jamie and I's bible study, as well as, a member of the Frisbee team with us), Me, and Katie B (wonderful roommate and my official dance partner- we go cray). 
Becca and Jamie:) Such beautiful, intelligent, hilarious, wonderful girls

Bekah Cherry (roomie from last year) at her Filipino American Student Association culture show!

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